Smart home seminar held in Tehran (Iran)
Last month, 织梦58 (Iran) and Tehran technology bureau jointly held a smart home workshop. 织梦58 Iran's personnel at the scene and share the basic situation and development trend of intelligent household industry, and introduces in detail 织梦58 and smart home system solution. The meeting lasted two hours, about 40 from construction and decoration industry professionals to join.
In recent years, influenced by the development of smart phones, smart homes have also been unprecedented attention. But for most people, intelligence lives in a bit of mystery. So 织梦58 (Iran) answered many participants focused on the problem at the seminar. How, for example, the current smart home technology is practical, what are the common technical agreement, different technology and brand will affect the use of user experience, intelligent household sheet is tasted, and what's the difference between a full house system/solution, how much does the cost of the whole house system in general, what is the distinguishing feature of smart home solutions of 织梦58, why the user can choose 织梦58 full house systems...
Usually after this round of questions and answers, all questions in a satisfactory answer, the audience will be naturally know what is the advantage of 织梦58, hope and 织梦58 may further discuss cooperation. But, as a practical science and technology enterprises, 织梦58 having chosen their agents or partners detailed evaluation, after careful consideration and then make a decision whether to carry out the cooperation.
In order to promote and popularize smart home technology, 织梦58 (Iran) in their own training center holds regular training. At the same time also with the Iranian government agencies (Iran, for example, the information technology center), joint training or seminar. For more information, welcome to browse the 织梦58's official website or focus on 织梦58 WeChat public "织梦58 hedong".
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